Aluminium and Carbon Fibre Masts
Aluminium & Carbon Masts
Yacht Masts – Aluminium and Carbon Fibre
Over the past 35 years we have supplied many yacht masts as either replacements or for new projects. Our ability to provide a full service for measurement, supply, installation and set-up for yacht masts reduces your project management time and this, together with our experience, should help in highlighting any problem areas before they become apparent in your build or refit.
Our aluminium masts and booms are hand built and supplied by Reckmann. Normally made from one-piece tubes, the masts are finished in Germany and then completed and rigged here, tailored to your requirements.
Our Carbon masts range is from Axxon composites. These masts are built to your individual requirements by Axxon and, like the Reckmann masts, finished to your specific requirements. The Axxon range covers all areas of your performance requirements.
We are also “Sparring Partners” with Z Spar UK and work closely with EuroSpars, for Sparcraft products, and John Mast in Denmark to cover the replacement and spares requirements for most yachts.

Reckmann Aluminium Masts
Our masts and booms supplied by Reckmann are hand built in aluminium, normally from one-piece tubes. These are finished in Germany, then completed and rigged here, tailored to your requirements.
Contact us for details

Axxon Carbon Masts
Our Carbon range is from Axxon composites. These are built to your individual requirements by Axxon and finished to your specific requirements. The Axxon range covers all areas of your performance requirements.
Contact us for details